Monday, February 28, 2011


Dear Da Vinci,

* I loved it when you picked my brother to adopt you from the school you used to call home.
* I loved it that you stayed with us, even though you were quite capable of looking after yourself.
* I loved it when you would come into the kitchen with your demanding meow for food when you were hungry, and didn't shut up until you got something.
* I loved that no matter what we gave you, you always wanted more, and usually got it.
* I loved that you kept Boof on his toes, cause he was never quite sure what mood you were in.
* I loved that you showed Pepper that not everyone appreciates her youthful playfulness.
* I loved that you had no idea what the 'BAD CAT' spray bottle meant, and that you would sit there getting soaked with a very pissed off look on your face trying to work out why we wouldn't just give you or let you do what you wanted.
* I loved that you would lie next to the fence and torment the Jack Russel next door, without a care in the world.
* I loved that when the boat came back from fishing you were always there waiting for the catch of the day.
* I loved that whenever there was chicken cooking, you weren't far away.
* I loved that you made me aware of leaving the house, having to check under the car every single time, or drive off at a snails pace just in case you were under there napping.
* I loved that you refused to move out of the way when we were trying to bring the cars in, you proved that size doesn't matter.
* I loved that you worked out our routines, so you ended up with 2 breakfasts and 2 dinners almost every day.
* I loved that you would fight for your yard even if you were challenged by your body.
* I loved that it took you half an hour just to sit down, and another half an hour to look remotely comfortable.
* I loved that you never liked to be picked up, because you knew you were completely capable of walking.
* I loved that you lived as long as you did.

Thank you for having a quick death, and even though your old frail body remains here with us, I am fortune enough to know that life is energy, and energy can't die, it only shifts sites. Where ever you are now I know you're living out your life's happiest moments, and then some. I know that when you're hungry a boat will turn up with fresh fish, or someone will bring you Red Rooster chicken. I know that there is always a lap waiting for you to cuddle into. I know that there are mice to catch, trees to mark, and someone there to pat you when you want some company. I know that there are cars parked on a street for you, that will only ever move when you want them too, and at the pace you want them too. I know that your body no longer holds you back, and you have the mobility of a kitten again. I know that my tears will dry and my heart will lighten, because I know one day we will meet again, and when I do I'll bring the chook.

Thank you for giving our family your unconditional love. My only hope is that you knew how much you were loved, and will continue to be loved. You're forever in my thoughts.

Have fun little guy, you are already truly missed.

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