Monday, March 7, 2011

MONEY: DAY 24, 25, 26 & 27

If I include the previous 3 days plus today into the total for my home deposit, it really brings my total up.

March 04th: $24,000
March 05th: $25,000
March 06th: $26,000
March 07th: $27,000

+ previous home deposit total of $123,000

Total = $225,000

I have also picked out a home design I love that I want to build. I'm so excited!

SELF CARE DAY: 2, 3, 4 & 5

I haven't been using the laptop much lately cause the screen has been playing up a bit but I have definitely been working on my self care days! Day 1 was March 3rd and I promised I would drink 2L of water. Well I am glad to say I didn't get quite get to 2L but I sure came close. I felt much better for it so I have decided to aim to add that into my daily life, which it doesn't sound much but I am not much of a water drinker so to me it's a big deal.

On self care day 2, March 4th, I wanted to go for a walk so my boyfriend and I took the dog down the beach. It was beautiful weather and I felt much better after getting out, getting some exercise and some fresh air into my lungs. I need to promise myself some more self care like today more often.

Self care day 3, March 5th, and I decided to meditate for 20 minutes. In the morning I listened to Andrew Johnson's iPhone meditation for 'Success' and in the afternoon I listened to Gabrielle Bernstein's meditation on 'Seeing The World in Light', which she created for the final chapter of her 'Add More ~ing To Your Life' book.

Self care day 4, March 6th. Nothing hard about this one! I took the time and energy to self ex-foliate and wash my hair, which when you're in the final few weeks of being pregnant, can be totally exhausting. I did fell much better after doing so and very glad I pushed through the breathlessness and completed what I set out to do.

Today is self care day 5, March 7th and my goal today is to straighten my hair and paint my nails. I am also thinking about giving myself a facial and plucking my eyebrows, however if I don't get to that today then I am make it my self car promise for tomorrow. I think I will feel much prettier and self confident if I take this time to invest in myself, especially with how much my body has changed over the last 9 months.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I am not sure how many people have heard of Gabrielle Bernstein but she is a motivational speaker and author of the book "Add More ~ing To Your Life", amongst several other things. She has another book coming out in September (from memory) this year and and I can't wait to read it. She has a Facebook page which can be found here and her most recent challenge is called "30 Days of Self Care". There is nothing official about it, it's more about becoming aware of how you treat yourself and dedicating some time to yourself if you don't already, because you're worth it... as the Maybelline girls would say. :)

Anyway I thought this was a fantastic idea and I am going to get involved because it's about time I started becoming aware of how I act on a daily basis towards myself, and instead of just thinking "yeah I'm pretty alright", now I am going to prove it. To me! 

Because of the time difference in America this was meant to start on March 1st but who cares, we are a little in front of America here in Australia, and after all, each day should be treated as a gift rather than to be seen in "blocks" of months, so I am going to start today, on March 3rd, even though I have acts of self care for the previous 2 days, I am not going to count them for a couple of reasons. 1) There weren't deliberate acts of self care that I was aware of at the time, and 2) I get a couple of extra days of self care which will bring me right up to my due date to give birth to my little girl... even though I think I will deliver early! What a better way to celebrate the last month of my pregnancy and being a single person with 0 dependents.

So what am I going to do today that is my deliberate act of self care?


I'll let you know tomorrow how I went. :)

MONEY: DAY 21, 22 & 23

Well I haven't been keeping this as updated as daily as I previously have been for 1 main reason: all the money I am getting each day is now going into a home deposit account until I have enough to purchase some land and build a home.

Tuesday, 01st March 2011 = $21,000
Wednesday, 02nd March 2011 = $22,000
Thursday, 03rd March 2011 = $23,000

TOTAL = $66,000

If I add that to what I already had in there, it brings my grand total up to $123,000!

How does this make me feel?

Unstoppable. In a couple more days I'll be able to buy land outright, and then all I have to do is choose what house I want to build on it.